What the Hell is PowerShell?

Had a very good week doing another PowerShell talk at .NET user groups in Mannheim, Bern and Luzern. Many thanks to Kai Simons, René Leupold and Daniel Marbach for inviting me to their user groups.

Giving talks at .NET user groups I experienced again that this is a very vivid community with a lot of smart people. I’m thankful to be a part of it since a couple of years.

Doing PowerShell talks in 2012 is specifically interesting. People obviously are more interested than before in PowerShell topics, I had a decent audience at all events. But very few do use PowerShell on a daily basis and not a hand full do write scripts/modules themselves.

Anyway, here are the slides and scripts I’ve used. I did not cover everything in the sessions, use them to learn and recap.

See#Party 2010 – PowerShell for Developers – Material

I really enjoyed my session PowerShell for Developers at last weekend’s SeeSharpParty in Konstanz/Kreuzlingen. I did even more enjoy all the other sessions I attended during the day plus the talks with a lot of smart people.

Find the session material here.

Thanks again to all the helping hands and the .NET user group Konstanz-Kreuzlingen for making this party happen.